Council Meeting Recap: December 2016

In an effort to improve our transparency and communication as your Council, we are sharing a recap of last month’s Council meeting. The full minutes will be available after they are approved, but here are some highlights in the meantime.


We opened the meeting in God’s name with a prayer led by Justin Shimko.

We heard a presentation from the Call Team regarding their recommended candidate and discussed next steps. Council and Call members discussed the process and reasoning behind the selection. President Misti Peppler will reach out to the candidate to set up a meeting with Council.

Ben Dieterich gave the Treasurer’s Report and the presented the final 2017 budget proposal. We discussed the congregation’s response to Miracle Sunday as well as a special gift given by a member of the congregation. Council approved the budget proposal as ready to present to the congregation at the annual meeting.

Jeff Conway presented the new brand concepts that resulted from the work of the Communication Team. We reviewed and discussed three options and gave feedback. Jeff will take our feedback to the team and branding company.

Next, we set the agenda and discussed preparations for Congregational Meeting:

      1. Open in prayer
      2. Approve Meeting Minutes
      3. Call Team Update
      4. Capital Build Improvement Plan Update
      5. Elect and install Investment Team member
      6. Elect Treasurer
      7. Stewardship Team Update
      8. New Branding
      9. Approving Budget
      10. Acknowledge People Leaving Council
      11. Close in Prayer

Then, we set topics and broke into teams to organize the Leadership Summit:

In Pastor Martha’s report, she announced needs for the upcoming Christmas Eve services and stated that the new Sexton, Kevin, is working hard at his new position. She also reminded us to send end of the year reports to Heather for the Congregational Meeting. January 8 will be Refugee Sunday and the team has been working on a presentation.

Offering thanks and praise in our ministry, we went out in God’s name sharing the peace.

Hopefully this gives you a little glimpse into our process and keeps you informed as to what we are talking about right now. As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to work for you!

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