Council Meeting Recap: July 2016


In an effort to improve our transparency and communication as your Council, we are sharing a recap of last month’s Council meeting. The full minutes will be available after they are approved, but here are some highlights in the meantime.

We opened the meeting in God’s name with a prayer by Vice President Jay Kapp, and approved minutes from the May and June meetings.

The Director of Choirs, Eron Dupree, presented his proposal to move the music room to the chapel. Discussion followed. Eron will meet with the Capital Build Team to see if the change is in line with previously proposed changes for both rooms. Eron also shared a detailed document outlining his mid- and long-term goals for LMC’s choirs.

Angie Cooper spoke briefly about the proposed Personnel Policy. The council will read the document and share comments and questions as soon as possible. We will then determine if the document requires attorney review.

Ben Dieterich gave the Treasurer’s report. Giving is down significantly over last year. If this trend continues, we will come in well short of LMC’s projected income for 2016. We do have funds in savings to cover any such shortfall. Ben will provide the second quarter report to the congregation in August.

Jeff Conway shared an update on the Communication Team. The team’s 2016 budget should cover both the rebranding and the website redesign. Jeff gave some information on two quotes for the work and will be sharing more details as they become available. The rebranding and initial website work should be complete by the end of the year.

Jay gave a brief update on the building. The Capital Build Team is meeting to develop the overall plan for the $535,000 in pledges. The project budget and priorities will be ready for the fall congregational meeting in September or October.

Jay also let us know that the Stewardship Team has sent out letters for the year-to-date update. Members will be receiving them shortly.

Pastor Martha shared her report prior to the meeting via email. She included in her report that she and the staff have been working to plan program details for the coming year. She has also met with some members to begin planning a November celebration of 50 years of our stained glass windows. Pastor Martha will meet with the organizers of The Great Conversation in August. There are several families and individuals interested in joining LMC this fall.

Justin Shimko shared the feedback he received on the Ministry Site Profile. The MSP will be submitted as soon as discussed changes have been made.

Pastor Martha shared the closing prayer and we went out in God’s name.

Hopefully this gives you a little glimpse into our process and keeps you informed as to what we are talking about right now. As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to work for you!